Superhero #2: Marc Hannah (1956-present)

Marc Hannah went to Illinois Tech for electrical engineering, and later got his PhD at Stanford. However, despite his original major, he ended up working in graphic design and was one of the original founders of Silicon Graphics. Silicon Graphics was one of the main companies that worked in developing certain types of special effects. The special effects that he worked on have been used in many movies, including Terminator 2 and The Hunt for the Red October. His work on special effects will forever change the way we see movies. The graphics that he created were much cheaper than the graphics that came before them, so they started to become very popular. He also helped Silicon Graphics create equipment that could be used outside the movie industry, including in the military. Later on, he worked with Jim Clark to create the Geometry Engine, which was used to further improve computer graphics. Overall, his work in 3D imaging had a huge impact on many parts of computer science.

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