Superhero #3: Alan Turing (1912-1954)

Alan Turing was born in England and studied mathematics at King's College, Cambridge. Throught his childhood, he had been seen as being very bright and enthusiastic about school. He continued his studies and graduated his college with the highest honor. This background is what eventually helped him break Enigma, which was a type of code that the Germans were using during WW2 to transmit messages. To do so, he created a new machine, called "bombes", and before long, the German communications were no longer much of a secret. Although this was his main contribution, he also invented the Turing Machine, which used a piece of tape to compute many different types of mathematical calculations. Additionally, he was fascinated by learning about the types of questions that cannot be answered with a machine and what that meant for society. Overall, Alan Turing was a pioneer in the field of computer science.

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